December can be an exciting and joyous moment, the smell of the pine trees strolling past the fleuristes, the twinkle of lights dangling over cobblestone streets, time off and time with loved ones and time to cozy up on the couch with tea.
But it can also be a very challenging and demanding one, especially this year.
Dear YCP members, no matter what your holidays look like, please remember to take care of yourselves. Set boundaries. Put your physical and emotional health first.
Quite often December is a month of parties and family expectations and giving, but it’s equally as important to take care of your physical, emotional and mental self.
Self-care comes in so many forms. Perhaps it’s saying no to a get-together so you can grant yourself some time to unwind. Maybe it’s a call to a friend for support. Sometimes it’s a yoga class, or a long walk or a mediation.
This is also a season to reflect on this past year. It’s been a difficult one, sure, but at YCP we are so grateful for our club members who continue to help us grow.
We are grateful for our feature in the « Sunday Times », grateful for our successful outdoor classes that lasted all the way through November and grateful for our new indoor locations while still being able to offer online classes.
Mostly, we are grateful for you.
Stay tuned for what’s to come for the YCP in 2022! And as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any requests or suggestions on how we can help you better.
Have a safe, healthy and happy holiday season dear club members. We can’t wait to see you in the new year!
- Your YCP team